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Мужчина, 29 лет, родился 1 января 1996
Не ищет работу
Уральск, готов к переезду (Аксай (Казахстан), Атырау, Кульсары, Уральск), готов к командировкам
Указан примерный район поиска работы
Lead QA QC Engineer Instrument and Electrical (Commisioning & construction group)
- Другое
Занятость: полная занятость, проектная работа
График работы: полный день, гибкий график, удаленная работа, вахтовый метод
Опыт работы 9 лет 2 месяца
Январь 2024 — по настоящее время
1 год 3 месяца
TUV Rheinland
Инспектор контроля качества КИП и Электрики
Инспекция выполненных работ и приём в роли заказчика ТШО
Февраль 2023 — по настоящее время
2 года 2 месяца
Novus Bolashak
CompEX Instrument Technican
Пуско-наладочные работы по части КИП, Инспекция по взрывозащите (CompEX)
Май 2019 — Июнь 2022
3 года 2 месяца
Lead QA/QC Engineer Special Project and Turnaround
Supervision of the quality control team. Introduction of negotiations and meetings. Drawing up an ITP (Inspection Test Plan). Monitoring the work-process according to ITP (PPI). Work with the project documentation, diagrams, drawings, isometric drawings and documentation of manufacturers. Check the completion of the instrument / electrical works for accuracy. Handover documentation arrangements and input AS-BUILT RLAB on drawings for the Customer; liaise with the Customer. Close working with QC team in checking the mountings and adjustments of electric heating circuits. Verify installation of electrical and instrumentation equipment compliance with the TCO standards and specifications: E/I cable pulling and termination; cable trays; PDB/TDB/LDB; instrument tubing; instrument and F&G devices; instrument Junction Boxes; electrical panels, sockets, switchboards, switchgears; Electrical heating system installation: TDB, TJB, trace heating cables
Декабрь 2017 — Апрель 2019
1 год 5 месяцев
QA/QC Inspector Special Project and Turnaround
Receiving of equipment and its acceptance and verification. Working with project documentation, diagrams, isometric drawings and manufacturer’s documentation. Preparation and selection of executive documentation of protocols and acts; making changes in schemes.
Октябрь 2017 — Апрель 2019
1 год 7 месяцев
Special Project and Turnaround Instrumentation Technician
Reading of and working with diagrams; cable grooming; wire connections of junction boxes and Instrumentation/Electrics. Installation of SWAGELOK fittings and pipe ties. Handling with Instrumentation and Electrics. Inspection of control circuits loop (loop check) as well as single-line electrical circuits. Commissioning of Instrumentation/Electrics. Installation, adjustment, repair and maintenance of various electrical and electronic equipment. Working in automated control system boxes. Performing the duties of an Electrician and Instrument Repairman on duty. Mentor for inexperienced and short serviced workers.
Март 2016 — Октябрь 2017
1 год 8 месяцев
Special Project and Turnaround 3rd category Electrician
Cable laying, installation of cable trays, supports and of junction boxes. Installation of Instrumentation and Electrical equipment and heating cables.
Июль 2015 — Февраль 2016
8 месяцев
Tengiz Universal Support LLP
KTL plant in Tengiz
Уровни владения навыками
Опыт вождения
Имеется собственный автомобиль
Права категории B, CОбо мне
Having high level of personal responsibility, sociability, attentiveness, decency, conscientiousness, purposefulness, organization, ability to negotiate and correspondence. Conducting internal audits of the quality management system. Preparation of Acts of executive documentation. Able to work with HART Communicator, megohmmeter and multimeter, current measuring pliers, sensors, and etc. Perform any other duties as assigned. Perform inspections of instruments / electrical activities as per standards and specifications. Adhere to and support TCO Health, Safety & Environmental and Sustainability Policies. Organize and prioritize a variety of assignments and multiple tasks in an effective and timely manner, set priorities, and meet deadlines.Exclusion in cross cabinets, installation / dismantling of barriers, terminals, FTA boards in LCR cabinets. Instrument Loop checking with the current calibrator FLUKE 707 and HART475.
Высшее образование (Бакалавр)
Kazakhstan University of Innovative and Telecommunication Systems
Faculty of Technology, Bachelor of Engineering and Technology (Instrumentation Engineer)
Знание языков
Гражданство, время в пути до работы
Гражданство: Казахстан
Разрешение на работу: Казахстан, Россия
Желательное время в пути до работы: Не имеет значения