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Мужчина, 31 год, родился 30 сентября 1993
Кульсары, готов к переезду, готов к командировкам
Инженер КИПиА по ПНР / Instrumentation&Control Commissioning Engineer/Supervisor
- Инженер-конструктор, инженер-проектировщик
Занятость: полная занятость, частичная занятость, проектная работа
График работы: полный день, сменный график, вахтовый метод
Опыт работы 12 лет 8 месяцев
Декабрь 2020 — по настоящее время
4 года 4 месяца
Актогай, www.kazminerals.com/ru
Добывающая отрасль... Показать еще
Instrumentation & Control Commissioning Supervisor
Accumulated the experience of working with the documentation, standards, specifications, procedures and modern field equipment and control systems
Measurement Systems
Automated Power Generation Systems (generators)
Intelligent Instruments
Field equipment (transmitters, valves, pumps, compressors)
Distributed Control System DCS (Honeywell, Allen-Bradley, Yokogawa, Siemens, ABB)
Programmable Logic Controller PLC
Fire and gas system (F&G)
Work with industrial interfaces and data transfer protocols (Modbus,Ethernet, Hart, Profibus DP, etc.)
Октябрь 2019 — Ноябрь 2020
1 год 2 месяца
"Industrial Construction Group" LLP
Информационные технологии, системная интеграция, интернет... Показать еще
Instrumentation Commissioning Engineer
Project: East Kazakhstan region/Aktogay Expansion Project/ Kazminerals project
Pre-commissioning, commissioning and start-up activities and supervised all technician and commissioning engineer teams and monitored all related activity. Ensured compliance with all customer requests in coordination with relevant teams customers and management. Conducted site acceptance tests in coordination with all relevant departments. Provided requested technical support during project operational phase. Including instrument inspection and calibration, loop checking, cause & effect checking, logic checking, adjustment, preparation of all needed documentation and reports.
Commissioning and start-up activities on the Instrument & Control part of the project:
- Commissioning and start-up Dry, Wet, Infrastructure areas based on ABB AC800M
- Fire Alarm system (Honeywell XLS and Notifier) and Integration FSM system
- PA&GA system (Honeywell XLS-DVC-EM)
- Commissioning & start-up of boreholes and pump stations based on Allen Bradley Compact Logix L33ER
- AHU and Smoke and Gas Exhaust System based on Siemens S7-1200 and Delta DVP
- EuroCranes with a lifting capacity 150t,120t, 30t, 20t, 12.5t
- Belt conveyor 2km (FLSmidth& Phoenix conveyor belt)
- Air Treatment (Atlas Copco)
- Emergency Generators (PAT-TECH)
- Fire suppression system (Kidde)
- SCS(Cat 5,Cat 6A) and Voice & Data networks (CISCO)
- CCTV (Panasonic) and ACS (Schneider Electric)
- Automatic gate of ASSA Abloy Megadoor
- HVAC system (Klimor, Air system)
- Water heating system based on Owen Pr100 (Kodsan)
- Sewage pump station based on Schneider Electric M172, etc.
- ACID MIST scrubber based on IMO ISmart SMT-EA-R20 (APCInfra)
- Integration all E-room with Fiber optic cables
Май 2018 — Октябрь 2019
1 год 6 месяцев
"Nexus KZ" LLP
E&I Commissioning Engineer
Issue and approval of procedures according to the Commissioning Procedure Matrix, approved by the customer for this project. Check for the presence of the required calibration certificates and test reports of measuring instruments in accordance with the requirements RoK rules. Working with vendors and project documentation. Coordination the input/output signals of field devices, Programmable Logic Controller & Distribution Control Systems. Test of process control and fire detection alarm systems. Test of Emergency Shutdown System according to the cause-effect matrix.
Commissioning and start-up activities on the Instrument & Control part of the project:
- Commissioning and start-up COF, ATS, DWP, WTF, CSF West & East areas based on Allen-Bradley Control Logix
- Fire Alarm system (Bolid, Tyco)
- PA&GA system (Industronic)
- Heater system of tanks (ExHeat)
- Emergency Generators (Borusan CAT)
- Raw water pump and Fire pump container (Safco)
- AHU system based on Siemens POL 638 (Euroclima)
- Self-clean filter container based on Allen Bradley (Cannon Artes)
- Sewage pump station based on Simatic S7-1200 CPU 1214C (Vector7)
- Desalination water and Sewage Treatment plant based on Simatic S7-300 CPU 315-2 PN/DP (Testwater)
- Automation of сar filling station and fuel storage tanks
Ноябрь 2017 — Апрель 2018
6 месяцев
"Zenith Energy" LLP
E&I Commissioning Technician
Pre-commissioning, commissioning activities of electrical and instrumentation/control. Calibration and tuning all
instrumentation transmitters and devices. Functional testing ESD, DCS, FAS, F&G systems, logic checking, cause and effect matrix. Preparation of all needed documentation and reports.
Commissioning and start-up activities on the Instrument & Control part of the project:
- Commissioning and start-up WTP, PSF, M&P, EP-7, SPS-1, 2, 4, 8, 10 areas based on Simatic S7-1200
- Fire Alarm and Security system (Rubezh, Siemens)
- SCS(Cat 6A) and Voice & Data networks (CISCO)
- Automation of electric heating systems and water heaters (Zota, Buderus, Dakon, Kodsan)
- Automatic gate of Hormann (WA 300, WA 400 control unit A / B 445)
- Heating system for pipelines (Raychem)
- Device for lifting and drying fire hoses and equipment for fire stations.
- Fire pump station based on Vision 120 (KEK Elekter)
- Automation of air curtains (Wing)
- AHU and Smoke and Gas Exhaust System
- Sewage pump stations based on Siemens LOGO
- Bridge crane with a lifting capacity 5t (J. Barnsley)
- Cargo lift (LIFTPROM)
- Air conditioning system (Daikin, LG)
- Megger test, loop test of electrical equipment
Project: West Kazakhstan, Atyrau Refinery/ Deep Oil Conversion of Atyrau Refinery
- Commissioning and start-up 2221/1, 2221/2, 3215,3216, 3218, 3220, 3221 areas based on Yokogawa Centum VP/ CS3000
- Gas detection system (Dragger Polytron)
- Fire Alarm system (Honeywell )
- Fire extinguishing system (Bolid)
- Compressor unit
- Pump station for pumping fuel
- Delayed coking unit
- Diesel fuel hydro treating and dewaxing unit
- Gas Reagent unit
Май 2016 — Октябрь 2017
1 год 6 месяцев
"SIcim Spa Kazakhstan"
Техник по КИП и А (Instrumentation technician)
- - Construction and Commissioning activities
- Preparation of all needed documentation and reports.
- Pulling and termination Fire alarm system
- Termination of transmitters and junction boxes
- Installation of devices and transmitters (level, pressure. temperature, flow)
- Installation and Testing of impulse line (Swagelok)
- Installation and termination of LCP, CP and DB panels (Schneider Electric, Grundfos)
- Installation and termination SCS(Cat 5) and Voice & Data networks
- Installation CCTV (Cisco) and ACS system
- Installation UPS system
- Commissioning of ACS system
- Cold test and loop checking all analog and digital signals
Август 2012 — Май 2016
3 года 10 месяцев
"Senymdy Kurylys" LLP
Техник по КИП и А и Электрик
- Construction activities
- Preparation of all needed documentation and reports
- Installation and Testing of impulse line (Swagelok, SS 316, Inconel 625, Hastelloy, etc)
- Installation transmitters and devices from well-known manufacturers like Rosemount, E+H, Yokogawa, Krohne,
Siemens, Bently Nevada, Fisher, Keller, Owen, Metran, Vega, Bently Nevada, Fisher, Keller, Owen, Metran,
- Installation & termination of Panels: Remote Control (RC), Programmable Logic Controller (PLC),, Local
Control Panel (LCP), Motor Control Center (MCC), Emergency Shutdown System (ESD), Electrical panels, etc.
(Cameron, Proserv, Honeywell, Schneider Electric, Yokogawa, Allen Bradley, Siemens, Grundfos, etc.)
- Installation and termination of positioners, switches, MOV, solenoid valves, control valves, I/P converter
- Installation of pressure gauge and temperature gauge (bourdon, diaphragm, bimetallic, precision, thermocouple )
- Installation of Analyzers (hydrogen, turbidity, chlorine, ORP, hydrogen sulfide, oxygen, toxic gas, hydrocarbon
gas, carbon dioxide, etc.) Drager, +GF+, HACH.
Уровни владения навыками
Обо мне
Accumulated the experience of working with the documentation, standards, specifications, procedures and modern field equipment and control systems
Measurement Systems
Automated Power Generation Systems (generators)
Intelligent Instruments
Field equipment (transmitters, valves, pumps, compressors)
Distributed Control System DCS (Honeywell, Allen-Bradley, Yokogawa, Siemens, ABB)
Programmable Logic Controller PLC
Fire and gas system (F&G)
Work with industrial interfaces and data transfer protocols (Modbus,Ethernet, Hart, Profibus DP, etc.)
Emergency shutdown system (ESD)
Working out of technical and as-built documents at all work stages, equipment setting-up and tuning, including verification and metrological (calibration, verification), loop checking, cause & effect checking, logic checking.
Preparation of documents and reports
Working with diagrams: HOOK-UP, P & ID, isometric, loop, layout, principal, function structure, single-line, etc.
Had worked with the equipment and systems from the following manufactures: Honeywell, Fisher-Rosemount, ABB, Vega, Yokogawa, Rotork, Bettis, Magnetrol, Allen Bradley, AUMA, Siemens, Keller, E+H, Krohne, Wika, ASSA ABLOY, Drager, Swagelok, +GF+, Schneider Electric, Danfoss, Kidde, Vacon, ExHeat etc.
Devices: Hart 375,475, AMS Trex, Druck DPI 610,615,620IS, UPS III, Fluke 179, 275, 375, 707, 709, 718, 719, 725, 726, 773, 789, 572/2, 134, 9040, 700, 1507 and electrical measurement equipment
Высшее образование
Актюбинский университет им.С.Байшев
Автоматизация и управление
Мангистауский Энергетический Колледж
Автоматизация и управление
Знание языков
Тесты, экзамены
Казахстанский институт метрологии
КазИнМетр, Оценка неопределенности измерений для поверочных/калибровочных и испытательных лабораторий
Казахстанский институт метрологии
КазИнМетр, Поверка и калибровка СИ давления, вакуума, расхода, количества жидкостей и газов, теплофизических и температурных измерений
Гражданство, время в пути до работы
Гражданство: Казахстан
Разрешение на работу: Казахстан, Россия
Желательное время в пути до работы: Не имеет значения