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Мужчина, 36 лет, родился 1 февраля 1989

Рассматривает предложения

Кульсары, не готов к переезду, готов к командировкам

Инспектор по качеству

  • Инженер по качеству

Занятость: полная занятость, частичная занятость, проектная работа

График работы: полный день, гибкий график, удаленная работа, вахтовый метод

Опыт работы 12 лет

Июль 2021Июль 2024
3 года 1 месяц
Novus Bolashak
SMP Walkdown coordinator
Контрольный обход
Август 2018Июнь 2021
2 года 11 месяцев
«Senimdi Kurylys» LLP
Mechanical QC Supervisor.
FGP Core Substation project QA/QC of Construction, Fabrication, Mechanical, Welding, Piping, Pipeline, FM, HVAC completion activities at project site Coordinates and conducts site discipline inspection by monitoring quality of construction work performed by Contractor and ensures adherence to project specifications, codes, and drawings. Work for used standards: GOST, Snip, VSN 2 and 3, ASMЕ, ANSI, API- normative regulations of the Republic of Kazakhstan Places of inspection: Pipe strapping and designs inside vessels, tanks the plants. Review and comment contractors quality plans, procedures, and QA/QC resources to ensure contractors have proper quality system in place
Ноябрь 2016Август 2018
1 год 10 месяцев
«Senimdi Kurylys» LLP
QA/QC Mechanical/Piping/Welding Inspector
Project Second Generation Enhancement (SGE) / KTL Seasonal Gap Reduction(SGR) Project- QA/QC of Construction, Fabrication, Mechanical, Welding, Piping, Pipeline, FM, HVAC completion activities at project site; EA-208 H/I/J Stabilized Crude Air Coolers 2016 TA Tie-Ins PU-760 Caustic Elimination Produced Water West 3-Stage Desalting Produced Water East (nearing mechanical completion now) High Pressure Steam Boiler Support implementation of project execution plans during construction of wastewater Recycling facility and associated infrastructure. Coordinates and conducts site discipline inspection by monitoring quality of construction work performed by Contractor and ensures adherence to project specifications, codes, and drawings. Work for used standards: GOST, Snip, VSN 2 and 3, ASMЕ, ANSI, API- normative regulations of the Republic of Kazakhstan Places of inspection: Pipe strapping and designs inside vessels, tanks the plants. Review and comment contractors quality plans, procedures, and QA/QC resources to ensure contractors have proper quality system in place. Control of construction contractors for the installation of HVAC systems. Review and comment equipment manufactures inspection test plans and equipment testing procedures. Review and correct checklist and acts are being used in accordance with SNIP and Company standards. Reviews and approvers hydro test procedures (Air Leak Test, Low Pressure tests, drying,). Inspect welding activities. Reviews welding procedures. Checks and makes sure correct material types are being used in accordance with Company standards and specifications
Август 2012Ноябрь 2016
4 года 4 месяца
«Senimdi Kurylys» - LLP
Timekeeper in Project control & Cost Department
Control of personnel by Projects and WBS


Уровни владения навыками
Erection of pipes of all types and sizes: 1 Plastic pipes for water supply and waste management. 2 P
MS Office

Опыт вождения

Права категории B

Обо мне

Basic H2S Training Course. Occupational safety and health. Competency certificate of welder. Entry to confined space.H2S.PTW. In connection with controlled bolting conduits required tension. Permission to work at height. Fire-technical minimum. To render first pre-medical aid. NDT Inspector 2 level-(visual inspection) according to EN 473 or ISO 9712-2014. Industrial safety at hazardous installations (pressure vessels, gas, steam and hot water boilers.). Bolt Flange Joint Assembly- Manual and Hydraulic Tightening (APEC Petro Technic) Supervision of construction, fabrication and mechanical completion activities at project site. Hoisting plan works. Control of appropriate supplied materials with specifications and standards. Designed and implemented new ideas and systems of process activities, which helped to increase the site production. Holding (Chair) Pre-Inspections meetings; Reviewing and marking up manufacturing QC plans; Materials verification; Material testing (and related equipment); Certification review; Fabrication inspection; Welding inspection; Witness of mechanical/technological tests and / or review of reports; Witness of VT and / or review of reports; Witness of hydraulic / pneumatic proof / leak testing and / or review of reports; Witness functional, performance and / or factory acceptance testing; Painting / coating applications; Dimensional inspection; Witness calibration; Flange Management; Documentation reviews i.e. Technical Passport, manufacturing data dossiers; Management of the quality records also in view of Mechanical Completion hand-over; Monitor / evaluate performance of Vendors; Final Release of equipment material for packing; Preservation inspection; Heat Exchangers inspection; Vessel inspection; Tank inspection; HVAC system inspection; Packing and marking Inspection.Awarded with diploma soft international and local companies.

Высшее образование (Бакалавр)

Aktobe University named after Saktagan Baishev
Faculty of Technology, Bachelor of Oil and Gas Engineering
Al-Farabi Kazakh National University
Economics, Management

Знание языков


АнглийскийB2 — Средне-продвинутый

РусскийC2 — В совершенстве

ТурецкийC1 — Продвинутый

Повышение квалификации, курсы

APEC Petro Technic
Halliburton, Bolt Flange Joint Assembly- Manual and Hydraulic Tightening
ТОО "Тениз Арыстаны"
NDT Inspector 2 level-(visual inspection) according to EN 473 or ISO 9712-2014, VT II
ЗАО "Интеллект-Партнер"
ЗАО "Интеллект-Партнер", Managing projects in Primavera P6 Rel 17.7

Гражданство, время в пути до работы

Гражданство: Казахстан

Разрешение на работу: Казахстан

Желательное время в пути до работы: Не имеет значения