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Мужчина, 57 лет, родился 27 октября 1967
Не ищет работу
Кульсары, готов к переезду (Атырау), готов к редким командировкам
Указан примерный район поиска работы
Civil Construction Supervisor/Superintendent/Manager
1 200 000 ₸ на руки
- Инженер ПТО, инженер-сметчик
Занятость: полная занятость
График работы: полный день, удаленная работа, вахтовый метод
Опыт работы 29 лет 5 месяцев
Январь 2021 — Август 2022
1 год 8 месяцев
ISKER Consortium
Civil Construction Supervisor
Engineering and Construction of the New Camp (Orken rotational village)
for the next phase of the Tengiz, Kazakhstan oil field expansion by Tengizchevroil (TCO). There
is a requirement for an FGP residential complex which is estimated to house 5,000 persons and
following completion of FGP construction will form a Company residential and base operations
center, with a design life of thirty (30) years)
Monitor contractor engineering schedules to ensure that the engineering deliverables are scheduled to meet construction requirements
Responsible for managing the overall safety, field execution and subcontractors’ performance on all project construction activities
Supervise and coordinate the activities of construction contractors within assigned areas
Audits performance at construction sites on issues of work quality improvement on Safety and Environmental issues
Works with TCO and contractor to resolve all quality control related issues and engineering questions
Timely conflict resolution
Preparation of required documentation
Participation in review of contractor’s construction planning, in selection of contractors, transport provisioning, quality control, schedule control, documentation and cost management
Coordination of all issues between the Clients, contractors, sub-contractors, Border Service Agencies, & etc.
Preparation & Compiling of documentation for certification of various activities
Contractors Scope of Works are in compliant to Contractual requirements, adherent to industry standard and practices, meet quality objectives and guarantee safety standard
Control and interaction with contractors during construction, quality assurance, statement and the cost of the work in accordance with the terms of the contract, technical specifications, standards, procedures of TCO and regulatory requirements of the RoK;
Monitoring and coordination of the implementation following activities: general civil engineering, onshore and earthwork, test on the seal, welding, vacuum testing, production and installation of concrete elements
Quality control of materials and structures used in the construction.
Conducting daily inspections of construction sites safety.
Participation in Audit
Coordinate with the QA/QC and RA department in order to make sure that the Turnover documents are in accordance with the Quality Control requirements and RoK regulations
Март 2020 — Июнь 2020
4 месяца
Строительство, недвижимость, эксплуатация, проектирование... Показать еще
Construction Specialist
This position provides site supervision for small to medium scale construction projects specific to a particular discipline.
Supervision responsibilities include, onsite SAFETY audits, participation in NEAR MISS and SAFETY OBSERVATION programs. Assurance that all TCO and local governmental policies are enforced and adhered to
Март 2014 — Март 2020
6 лет 1 месяц
ISKER Consortium
Civil Construction Supervisor
Client: LLP «Tengizchevroil» Project: ``Orken '' New Village
Position: Civil Construction Supervisor.
(Engineering and Construction of the New Camp (Orken rotational village)
for the next phase of the Tengiz, Kazakhstan oil field expansion by Tengizchevroil (TCO). There
is a requirement for an FGP residential complex which is estimated to house 5,000 persons and
following completion of FGP construction will form a Company residential and base operations
center, with a design life of thirty (30) years)
Monitor contractor engineering schedules to ensure that the engineering deliverables are scheduled to meet construction requirements
Responsible for managing the overall safety, field execution and subcontractors' performance on all project construction activities
Supervise and coordinate the activities of construction contractors within assigned areas
Audits performance at construction sites on issues of work quality improvement on Safety and Environmental issues
Works with TCO and contractor to resolve all quality control related issues and engineering questions
Timely conflict resolution
Preparation of required documentation
Participation in review of contractor's construction planning, in selection of contractors, transport provisioning, quality control, schedule control, documentation and cost management
Coordination of all issues between the Clients, contractors, sub-contractors, Border Service Agencies, & etc.
Preparation & Compiling of documentation for certification of various activities
Contractors Scope of Works are in compliant to Contractual requirements, adherent to industry standard and practices, meet quality objectives and guarantee safety standard
Control and interaction with contractors during construction, quality assurance, statement and the cost of the work in accordance with the terms of the contract, technical specifications, standards, procedures of TCO and regulatory requirements of the RoK;
Monitoring and coordination of the implementation following activities: general civil engineering, onshore and earthwork, test on the seal, welding, vacuum testing, production and installation of concrete elements
Quality control of materials and structures used in the construction.
Conducting daily inspections of construction sites safety.
Participation in Audit
Coordinate with the QA/QC and RA department in order to make sure that the Turnover documents are in accordance with the Quality Control requirements and RoK regulations
Январь 2009 — Январь 2013
4 года 1 месяц
ISKER Consortium
Construction coordinator
Client: LLP «NCOC»
Position: Construction coordinator.
*Kashagan Field Development Experimental Program project 2011-0707 «Construction of Rail Loading Facilities for Eskene West Rail Project (EWRP)» General contractor «ISKER»
Implementation of the implementation of plans for construction and installation work at the facility;
Control over the quality of work performed by workers and subcontractors;
Control over the observance by employees of safety precautions when performing technical operations for the production of construction works;
Correctly arrange the brigades and provide them with the necessary tools and devices;
Weekly report to the Project Manager
Consulting and coordinating the Contractor
Weekly meeting with contractor
Январь 2006 — Январь 2008
2 года 1 месяц
Road safety Engineer
Road safety Engineer
Dossor -Opornyi highway project
Position: Road safety Engineer.
Drives HES leadership & excellence to achieve an incident
Maintenance of accounting records in accordance with the requirements of current standards
Planning activities aimed at implementing the requirements of traffic regulations, to eliminate the causes and conditions of road accidents involving vehicles
Carrying out of actions on preventive maintenance of an accident rate, registration and the analysis of road accident
Carrying out of the account of information on carrying out of the instruction on safe traffic
Conducts field inspections & facilitates incident investigations and reviews
Initiates & maintains HES standards/goals through contractor HES programs to heighten awareness & ensure a safe & productive work environment
Mentors HES national staff
Experience interacting and communicating with contractor management, project functions and internal stakeholders
Январь 2003 — Январь 2005
2 года 1 месяц
LLP «Tengizchevroil» Project: ``Shanyrak '' rotational
Master of construction installation works
Position: Master of construction installation works
Performance of the assignment of construction and installation works on the site in accordance with the working drawings, the project of production, the production plan and the regulatory documents of TCO;
Controlling compliance with the technological sequence of production and ensuring their proper quality;
Geodetic control during the execution of technological operations and measurements of the volume of construction and installation works;
Organization for the reception of materials, structures, products, their storage, accounting and reporting
mplementation of the management of the production and economic activities of the site.
Ensuring fulfillment of production tasks assigned to the site, and production according to the established plans.
Carrying out works to prevent rejection and for compliance with the established quality standards required for the products.
Organization of current production planning, accounting, compilation and timely provision of reporting on the production activities of the site.
Coordination of the work of masters, site workers and other subordinate staff.
Organization of work on the timely provision of working materials. Arrangement of workers in work places.
Control over employees' compliance with labor safety and safety regulations, occupational and labor discipline rules, internal labor regulations.
Январь 1998 — Январь 2003
5 лет 1 месяц
``Barys '' LLP
Road Engineer
Client: JSC «KazMunaiGaz»
Position: Road Engineer
Organization and conduct of construction and installation works;
Control over the quality of production of work processes of the processing deadlines;
The alignment of labor at the facilities monitoring performance;
Interaction with subcontractors;
Drawing up requests for materials mechanisms and equipment;
Maintenance of logs for the production of executive documentation;
Control over compliance with the rules of safe work.
Control over the use of materials in accordance with the draft norms for the writing-off of materials;
Control over the effective operation of machinery mechanisms at the facility.
Январь 1994 — Январь 1998
4 года 1 месяц
Road Engineer
Client: JSC «KazMunaiGaz»
Position: Road Engineer
Organization and conduct of construction and installation works;
Control over the quality of production of work processes of the processing deadlines;
The alignment of labor at the facilities monitoring performance;
Interaction with subcontractors;
Drawing up requests for materials mechanisms and equipment;
Maintenance of logs for the production of executive documentation;
Control over compliance with the rules of safe work.
Control over the use of materials in accordance with the draft norms for the writing-off of materials;
Control over the effective operation of machinery mechanisms at the facility.
Январь 1988 — Январь 1989
1 год 1 месяц
Analyzes blueprints, sketches and product specs to determine the correct welding techniques and work sequences.
Marks dimensions and reference lines on materials.
Operates fabricating machines including shears, presses, forming rolls and routers
Mounts assemblies in a supportive framework based on blueprints
Secures parts for welding using bolts, tack welds or clamps.
Performs quality control tests on completed welds
Январь 1982 — Январь 1985
3 года 1 месяц
Analyzes blueprints, sketches and product specs to determine the correct welding techniques and work sequences.
Marks dimensions and reference lines on materials.
Operates fabricating machines including shears, presses, forming rolls and routers
Mounts assemblies in a supportive framework based on blueprints
Secures parts for welding using bolts, tack welds or clamps.
Performs quality control tests on completed welds
Уровни владения навыками
Опыт вождения
Права категории B, C, D
Обо мне
Oil Field, Construction site, Quality Control, Quality Assurance, Technical Design > Technical Specification, Civil Engineering, Earthworks, Onshore Oil & Gas, Welding, Planned Maintenance, Production Planning, management of the production and economic activities, Microsoft Excel, Microsoft Internet Explorer, Microsoft Office, Microsoft Outlook, Microsoft PowerPoint, Microsoft Word
Высшее образование
1989-1994 –Almaty Institute of Transportation. Almaty city, Kazakhstan
Engineering, “Civils Construction Engineering- roads”.
1986-1988 –Soviet Union Army
1982-1985- SPTU (Professional technical College ) – № 98 Leningrad city, Russia
Engineering, “ Welding engineering”.
Знание языков
Повышение квалификации, курсы
Basic H2S Training
H2S Training
Fire safety
Fire safety
Тесты, экзамены
TCO, engineer
Гражданство, время в пути до работы
Гражданство: Казахстан
Разрешение на работу: Казахстан
Желательное время в пути до работы: Не имеет значения