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Мужчина, 28 лет, родился 9 декабря 1996

Активно ищет работу

Кульсары, готов к переезду, готов к командировкам

Instrument Engineer, Technician, Designer.

  • Другое

Занятость: полная занятость

График работы: полный день, сменный график, гибкий график, удаленная работа, вахтовый метод

Опыт работы 7 лет 1 месяц

Июнь 2024Июль 2024
2 месяца
I&C Punch List Closeout Engineer
Create new requests PLClosure. Request Tracker Power BI Dashboard.
Март 2023Май 2024
1 год 3 месяца
I&C Technical Interface Site Verification Engineer
Preparing and passing subsystems to RFO. Working with SCMT, CMS, Coreworx, IMDB, iPIMS, Sharepoint, Outlook. RFI, filling requests to DCC. Working with HVAC, F&G, SIS, Dossier teams. Cause and effect MATRIX diagram, PHL, PRO, control narrative. Set priorities Develop trackers/reports Coordinate interfaces between Execution & Engineering& DCC & IM Teams Coordinate implementation status with FGP System Owners Communicates KPJV Engineering Team Coordinate CITR preparation Raise RFI.
Ноябрь 2021Март 2023
1 год 5 месяцев
Novus Bolashak
Senior I&C Technician (Precomm / Comm)
PreCommissioning & Commissioning, calibration of field instruments (FGP 3GP). Hot and Cold Loop check activities. Functional test. Experience of using test equipment such as pressure calibrators, milliamp source, milivolt source, Fluke 87, Fluke 707, Fluke 754,Emerson Trex, HART-475. Ensure calibration of all kinds of measurement tools and systems. Loop checking in Digital and Analogue positioners also FT, TT, PT, LT. Joint work with an expats. Site acceptance test procedure(SAT, FAT). Checking connection between marshalling cabinet and IO. Honeywell system. Hardware tests. Pre-Power-up Check List ( General, Electrical, Installation, Mechanical, Wiring & Hook up). Power up Check List. Control Application Checks. Communication Check List. Redundancy check list. Cabinet Alarms Check List. Work with valves. Understanding of SIS (Safety Instrumented System) and Process Automation system design. Basic knowledge of SIL (Safety Integrity Level). Familiar with different communication protocols and network architectures from end devices to and between PLCs, ESD systems, SCADA, Process Control System.
Апрель 2021Ноябрь 2021
8 месяцев
JSC «KazTransOil»
Instrument Technician (Maintenance)
Perform maintenance of I&C facilities to ensure smooth and safe operation;. Take part in the construction and commissioning work of automation, signalling and protection systems;. Keep equipment, devices, tools and measuring instruments in good condition;. Maintenance of established technical documentation for the maintenance of I&C;. Repair, adjustment and installation of I&C;. Work with multi-meter Fluke 87, Fluke 707, Beamex MC5-R and HART-475; Compliance with the rules and regulations on occupational safety and fire safety at work.
Январь 2020Февраль 2021
1 год 2 месяца
Instrument Designer (Projects)
A brief overview of my skills and experience as an instrumentation designer : - development of interconnection diagrams, cable block diagrams, cable routing diagrams, equipment layout, JB termination diagrams, location diagrams, loop diagrams,cable schedules, material take-off; -development tag number requests, existing drawing requests, panel number requests, multi pair cable and JB number requests for modification and for information, pds. -data gathering, worked according to TCO standards. -discussion and solution of problems with related departments such as electricians, civils. -developed drawings for projects such as TP16 skema, OLD LPG, TCO One Connectivity project.
Август 2019Декабрь 2019
5 месяцев
PJSC «Rosneft» - LLC «Bashgiproneftekhim"
Инженер-проектировщик КИПиА. Instrumentation Design Engineer.
Development of interconnection diagrams, cable block diagrams, cable routing diagrams, equipment layout, JB termination diagrams, location diagrams, loop diagrams,cable schedules, material take-off, data sheet; Discussion and solution of problems with related departments such as electricians, civils. Разработка схем межсоединений, схем блоков кабелей, схем маршрутизации кабелей,
Декабрь 2018Август 2019
9 месяцев
PJSC «Sibur» - JSC «Polief»
Instrument Commissioning Engineer
- Work with a project documentation on step by step installation and commissioning activities - Planning and coordination of performed works - Preparation acts on non-conformity to the project requirements - Review of Project Engineering Different Documents & Drawings, Daily report of commissioning status - Review & study of technical specifications, process data sheets, piping material specifications, P&IDs, plot plans, general arrangements drawings, control room layout, hazardous area classification drawings, fire & gas detection layout drawings etc. provided during proposal stage - Able to read Instrument Data Sheets for various Field Instruments, Preparation of Instrument list, Review of P&ID and Process Flow Diagrams - Gathered all the documents for each instruments in work package - Description of work with instruments in work package - Distribution of man power and deadline time for workload in work package - Red Line Mark Up in Drawings such as P&ID, Loop Diagram, Layout Drawing, Data Sheets
Июнь 2017Ноябрь 2018
1 год 6 месяцев
Nauryz Contract
Instrument Engineer
Operation, maintenance. Tank, oil pipeline, pumps and relevant transmitters like TT, PT, LT, FT.


Уровни владения навыками
MS Visio
MS Excel
MS Word
Компас 3D

Опыт вождения

Права категории B, C

Обо мне

I quickly mastering new information. Responsible approach to the organization of time and work. Hardworking, disciplined, sociable, neat. Ability to work in a team.


Высшее образование (Магистр)

Ufa State Petroleum Technological University
Automation of production processes , Operation electric power supply, substation, networks and system.
Ufa State Petroleum Technological University
Automation of production processes , Automation of technological processes and production ( in oil refining and chemistry)

Знание языков


АнглийскийB1 — Средний

РусскийC2 — В совершенстве

Повышение квалификации, курсы

Working at heights
LLP “Tengizchevroil”
Confined space entry
LLP “Tengizchevroil”
LLP “Tengizchevroil”
Crew Leadership
LLP “Tengizchevroil”
Qualified Electrical Person SI-118
LLP “Tengizchevroil”

Гражданство, время в пути до работы

Гражданство: Казахстан

Разрешение на работу: Казахстан, Россия

Желательное время в пути до работы: Не имеет значения